Photos: Selah Cub Scout Pack 276 Umtanum Creek Canyon Hike

Selah Cub Scout Pack 276
Umtanum Creek Canyon Hike
Report and photos by Clay Graham / Selah Sweets – Selah Community & Tourism.

On Sunday March 20th, 2016 Selah Cub Scout Pack 276 met up at Selah Sweets. Around 1:30 PM they convoyed north up the Yakima River Canyon to the Umtanum Recreation Area to do a hike up Umtanum Creek Canyon.

It was a very kind of a cold day for the hike but the Scouts were very excited to go. We took a photo and headed across the foot bridge and under the railroad tracks.

Not far up the trail we found the creek had been high recently and caused a lot of damage. The first part of the trail had been washed away. We headed on to our turn around point at the big beaver dam.

We got to the area of the big beaver dam to find it has been washed away too. We stopped to look at some tree stumps the beavers recently cut on. We did not see any signs of any new dams.

We headed back to the parking area for a picnic. The Scouts and families cooked hotdogs over a campfire.

After the picnic, the Cub Scouts put the fire out, picked up the area and headed home.

This was a very fun time thanks to all who came.

Selah Cub Scout Pack 276
For more information about Selah Cub Scout Pack 276:

Here are some photos of the Selah Cub Scout Pack 276 Umtanum Creek Hike:

Umtanum Creek

Umtanum Creek

Umtanum Creek

Umtanum Creek

Umtanum Creek

Umtanum Creek

Umtanum Creek

Umtanum Creek

Umtanum Creek

Umtanum Creek

Umtanum Creek

Umtanum Creek

Umtanum Creek

Umtanum Creek

Umtanum Creek

Umtanum Creek

Umtanum Creek

Umtanum Creek

Umtanum Creek

Umtanum Creek

Umtanum Creek

Umtanum Creek

Umtanum Creek

Umtanum Creek

Umtanum Creek

Umtanum Creek

Eastern Washington Adventures

Selah Sweets - Eastern Washing AdventuresSelah Sweets
makes handcrafted snacks, shaved ice, and has souvenirs.
Inside and outside seating at the shop. Off site catering.

Eastern Washington Adventures
is an Outdoor Recreation Information Center that holds many free events.

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