Eastern Washington Adventures
Halloween Costume Party
Report & photos by Clay Graham / Eastern Washington Adventures
On Saturday October 27th, 2012 we had the annual Eastern Washington Adventures Halloween Party at the Eastern Washington Adventures Club House in Selah Washington. This year we did not have the 4×4 run as we did the past six years because of bad weather conditions. The turn out for the party was small too but was still a lot of fun.
Most of the guest had Halloween Costumes but a few would not play. The best costume went to the Freddy Krueger couple. Charlie & Erika.
The food was great. Some of the food was scary but taste good.
Here are a few photos of the
Eastern Washington Adventures
Halloween Costume Party:
Scooby, Shaggy and Havo were the first to show up.
Freddy says, “the mountains are blue!”
Watch those eyes!
Nightmare on Selah Loop Road!
Ending the night with some Youtube clips.
We hope to see you next Halloween!