Photos: Spring 2017 Beverly Dunes Clean Up & Camp Out

Beverly Dunes Clean Up and Camp Out
Hosted by Eastern Washington Adventures with cooperation from the Department of Natural Resources. Sponsored by Selah Sweets
Report and photos by Clay Graham /

Around 1 PM Friday, June 2nd, 2017, my son Doc and I headed out from the Eastern Washington Adventures Club House in Selah toward Beverly Dunes to set up camp for the annual clean-up.

Once at Beverly Dunes we set up camp and then took a drive across the area to see how much trash was left after the Memorial Day Weekend. It was not to bad for the most part, but there was a lot of garbage around and under the dumpster. Someone also left a stripped VW Bug in the old parking lot. We found someone cut the east fence wires and the cable wide enough to fit a small rig through.

Saturday morning the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) staff showed up early to greet the volunteers for the Beverly Dunes Clean Up as they signed in. There was 5 of us from Eastern Washington Adventures and two guest from Western Washington. We started off picking up around the dumpster. We winched the dumpster off the garbage the garbage truck buried. Next some headed out to the dunes to pick up trash, the rest of us cleaned out the fire pits and picked up trash in the campground.

After the clean up, we went and played in the dunes until dinner. That evening there was an awesome sunset and then the wind started blowing. Late that night the wind was blowing so hard that it was rocking our van. You could hear our pop up moving around. I was surprised the pop up was not damaged.

Sunday morning we took a short run in the dunes and then backed up for home.

My son and I stopped at Wanapum Dam on the Columbia River to check out the new Turbine Park. We took a walk around the park and then headed home by running the Old Vantage Highway and the Yakima River Canyon.

This event was a very fun weekend.

Here are some photos of the Beverly Dunes Clean Up & Camp Out:

Beverly Dunes

Beverly Dunes

Beverly Dunes

Beverly Dunes

Beverly Dunes

Beverly Dunes

Beverly Dunes

Beverly Dunes

Beverly Dunes

Beverly Dunes

Beverly Dunes

Beverly Dunes

Beverly Dunes

Beverly Dunes

Beverly Dunes

Beverly Dunes

Beverly Dunes

Beverly Dunes

Beverly Dunes

Beverly Dunes

Beverly Dunes

Beverly Dunes

Beverly Dunes

Beverly Dunes

Beverly Dunes

Beverly Dunes

Beverly Dunes

Beverly Dunes

Beverly Dunes

Beverly Dunes

Beverly Dunes

Beverly Dunes

Beverly Dunes

Beverly Dunes

Beverly Dunes

Beverly Dunes

Beverly Dunes

Beverly Dunes

Beverly Dunes

Beverly Dunes

Beverly Dunes

Beverly Dunes

Beverly Dunes

Beverly Dunes

Beverly Dunes

Beverly Dunes

Beverly Dunes

Beverly Dunes

Beverly Dunes

Beverly Dunes

Beverly Dunes

Beverly Dunes

Beverly Dunes

Beverly Dunes

Beverly Dunes

Beverly Dunes

Beverly Dunes

Beverly Dunes

Beverly Dunes

Beverly Dunes

Beverly Dunes

Beverly Dunes

Beverly Dunes

Beverly Dunes

Beverly Dunes

Beverly Dunes

Beverly Dunes

Beverly Dunes

Beverly Dunes

Beverly Dunes

Beverly Dunes

Beverly Dunes

Beverly Dunes

Beverly Dunes

Beverly Dunes

Beverly Dunes

Beverly Dunes Spring Clean Up

About Ceg

Photojournalist at
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