Category Archives: Graham Family Farm
PHOTO > Graham Family Farm: Biergarten
It’s a nice evening at Graham Family Farm in the Biergarten. Let’s hope next week’s Go Play Topless event is as nice. We still have plenty of rig spaces.
PHOTO > Graham Family Farm: Full Moon YJ
The moon is close to being full. The internet say it will be tomorrow. By the way it is close to the Go Play Topless Day. One week away.
Shop Report: Urban Recovery
Urban Recovery I do most spring vehicle recoveries in the forest or sand dunes. Today my friend called me to do an Urban Recovery. A new driver stuck my friends truck in a ditch behind Suntides Car wash. Doc & … Continue reading
Shop Report: Hank welded up the Mustang clutch pedal
Shop Report: Last Friday Hank welded up the clutch pedal and got it put back in the Mustang just in time for the Car Show. The piece on the clutch pedal that pushes the master cylinder broke off. We rigged … Continue reading
Shop Report: Shasta Camper Step Bracket Repair
Shop Report: Today we worked on fixing the camper step bracket on the Shasta Camper. Hank weld up a plate to go under the aluminum door frame that was breaking off. The plate worked out very well.