PHOTOS > Checking out Camp Spots in Naches Ranger District

Checking out Camp Spots in Naches Ranger District

By Clay Graham /

On Thursday May 31st, 2012 we took a family trip up to check out some camp spots for future events.

Fist we went up to the Nile to see if road FS1601 was open to get to one of the camp spots we had a two years ago. The road is closed due to the May 2011 washout.

Next we took at drive around checking out other areas to camp near Saw Mill Flats. We found a few we liked and then headed out.

Headed east on SR410 we saw some Big Horn Sheep along the road. We stopped with flashers on to let the next cars know the Big Horn Sheep were close to the road. I took a few pictures before the next car came up.

We decided we would go checkout camping areas around Rimrock Lake. We found a few nice ones but really like the South Fork “Reserve Only” campground. We took a walk thought the South Fork Campground to see what it had to offer. We plan to try to reserve the site next year since we cannot get a weekend this year due to they are booked up.

Here are a few photos of our exploring:

Naches Ranger District

Naches Ranger District

Naches Ranger District

Naches Ranger District

Naches Ranger District

Naches Ranger District

Naches Ranger District

Naches Ranger District

Naches Ranger District

Naches Ranger District

Naches Ranger District

Naches Ranger District

Naches Ranger District

Naches Ranger District

Naches Ranger District

Naches Ranger District

Naches Ranger District

Naches Ranger District

Naches Ranger District

Naches Ranger District

Naches Ranger District

Naches Ranger District

Naches Ranger District

Naches Ranger District

Naches Ranger District

Naches Ranger District

Naches Ranger District

Naches Ranger District

Naches Ranger District

Naches Ranger District


About Ceg

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