The Future Volunteer Park
Visited By Volunteers
Report & photos by Amanda Graham / Selah Adventures – A division of Eastern Washington Adventures.
On Wednesday July 16th, 2014 Selah Adventures, Selah Cub Scout Pack 276, Other Scouts, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and some other community members met at Volunteer Park to talk about what ideas and plans have been made for the park.
Selah City Administrator David Kelly and City of Selah Parks and Recreation Manager Charles Brown gave us the over all plan. The highlights of the plan is to have a 9 foot wide walking path, some benches, restrooms and more. This park is going to be a place where disabled and other children are going to be able to play. There will be an informational meeting to be announced.
Here are some photos of the volunteers of Volunteer Park:
A division of Eastern Washington Adventures.