Go Play Topless
Yakima River Canyon/Wenas Wildlife Area
Report & photos by Clay Graham / CegPics.com
Friday September 7th, 2012 we had an Eastern Washington Adventures club meeting. TJ40, Avalanche and Guido camped out for Saturday’s event. AlwayswrenchN and family pulled into camp Saturday morning.
Around 10 AM Saturday September 8th, 2012 we hit the road from the Eastern Washington Adventures Club House for the “Go Play Topless” backroads run through the Yakima River Canyon and across the Wenas Wildlife Area.
We convoyed to the Yakima River Canyon from Selah and headed north toward Ellensburg.
We stopped at an historic marker for the first break. As we were there we watched paragliders jumping off Baldy Mountain.
Moving on up the road we stopped at the Ellensburg end of the Yakima River Canyon for a short break.
Next we stopped in Ellensburg to top off our fuel and get some snacks.
We regrouped and headed up Umtanum Road toward the Wenas Wildlife Area. We turned up Durr road and aired down. Next we headed south on Durr Road.
We stopped at the Umtanum Creek Crossing for a short break in the shade.
Up at the top of Umtanum Ridge we headed southeast toward the Yakima River to check out the view. At the end of the Green Dot we took a break and watched the paragliders jumping off Baldy Mountain.
Next we back tracked, cross Durr Road and took a break at the towers.
From the towers we headed down toward the Wenas Valley by the way of Bell Tel road and out Bull Pasture road.
About the time we hit Durr Road, it started raining. We got in a little rush to get back to the Eastern Washington Adventures Club House. We did not get to wet.
We had a potluck dinner in the Club House and visited late into the night.
Sunday morning we had a potluck breakfast in the Club House.
This was a very fun event thanks to all who came.
Here are some photos of our event: