Madd Hatters Haunted House presents Halloween in JUNE
Date: June 24th
Time: 9 PM
Place: Pastime in Selah
Goal: Help Madd Hatters Haunted House fund their forever home.
AGE: Must be 21 to attend
Cost: THIS WEEK $10 presale at Pastime, Selah Sweets or Selah Insurance or $15 at the door.
What’s happening inside:
- BIG ERN will be spinning music,
- Wear: Costume Contest for scariest, funniest and best duo/trio
- Costumes not necessary to come and play
- Silent Auction
- 50/50
- Everyone that enters gets placed in a drawing for a weekend getaway at the World Mark Resort Lake House in Lake Chelan.
What is Madd Hatters?
Madd Hatters Haunted House is a local profit sharing haunted house that over the past 8 years has helped local clubs and charities raise over $100,000. Last year they were unable to find a suitable location to lease and were unable to open. They break ground on a new forever home in a couple of weeks in Union Gap. This fun event is being held to help offset some of those costs.

Halloween in June Costume Party
Selah Sweets
makes handcrafted snacks, shaved ice, and has souvenirs.
Inside and outside seating at the shop. Off site catering.
Eastern Washington Adventures
is an Outdoor Recreation Information Center that holds many free events.