2016 Slab ORV Area Clean Up
Hosted by Dust Dodgers & Eastern Washington Adventures
By Clay Graham / CegPics.com
On Saturday March 19th, 2016 volunteers met up at the Slab ORV Area near Buena Washington around 10 AM for the annual Slab Clean-up hosted by the Dust Dodgers and Eastern Washington Adventures.
There were volunteers from the Dust Dodgers, Eastern Washington Adventures, Region 4 PNW4WDA, Selah Cub Scout Pack 276, and a few others.
The volunteers spread out over the area picking up trash along the way. For some of the bigger piles they called in rigs with trailers. Over all the areas was not too bad.
We would like to thank all the people that came out to help. Thank you to the Dust Dodgers for taking care of the dump fee.
Here are some photos of the 2016 Slab ORV Area Clean up: