Thanksgiving 4×4 Run at Ahtanum State Forest
Report and photos by Clay Graham / Eastern Washington Adventures
On Saturday November 29th, 2008 we meet up at the Tampico Church about 10 AM for our annual Thanksgiving Run.
Here are the run pictures from our group.
We ran South Fork Ahtanum Road We stopped to air down once we left the pavement.
On up South Fork Ahtanum Road we stopped to regroup.
As we turned onto the Sedge Ridge Crest Trail we got a call saying’s K5 Blazer’s fuel pump went out.
Colemancooler had an electric fuel pump and let use it. We were back on our way.
The first hill climb had slick mud on it so a few rigs had to take a few runs at it.
We stopped to regroup on top.
We stopped at the bottom of the Cultus Hole Rim Climb. I took a walk to get pictures of the rigs on the run.
Crawl Dad’s
The Cultus Hole Rim Climb was icy. Both my XJs walked up it with ease.
This is up on the Cultus Hole Rim.
A few rigs had problems getting to the top.
Some of the rigs that made it up went back down to winch or tow the others.
The kids had fun playing in the snow.
99 glad her Jeep did good so far.
Scuba getting ready to move up the trail.
The next stop was the Cultus Hole Vista.
Five rigs out of our group had to get headed home.
The rest of us headed to Darland Mountain.
We went on to Blue Lake. It was frozen.
The climb on up to Blue Slide Lookout was very slick and a lot of fun.
Once on top we ran Jackass Road down to the Doe Pocket Trail.
Down at Nasty Creek Corals three more rigs turned off for home.
The rest of us headed up Nasty Creek Road then up on top of Cowiche Ridge.
We took C-1000 down to Cowiche Mill Road and on out towards our homes.
This was another fun Thanksgiving 12 hour run.
A big thanks goes out to all the people that came and helping get all the rigs through the run and back home. Great team work!