Photos: LSOC Wild Winger (Raven Roost & Naches Trail)

Liberty State Overland Club
Wild Winger
Hosted by Eastern Washington Expeditions
By Clay Graham /

On Friday, August 23rd 2019 the Liberty State Overland Club headed up to the Lost Meadow Campground in the Little Naches area to set up camp for the weekend.

Saturday morning after breakfast, we headed up to Raven Roost with 3 rigs. The view there was not as we hoped due to clouds covered Mount Rainier. We had lunch and then headed down FS1902. They have done a lot of forest thinning along that road.

We stopped back at camp for a short break and then headed over Pyramid Pass to the west end of the Naches Pass 4×4 Trail. We walked down to see the Naches Cliffs to show the kids some history.  It was a lot of fun for them.

Once we hiked back up to the rigs, we headed back to camp for an awesome taco potluck.

After dinner the kids told scary stories around the propane campfire. It rained a little but that did not stop the fun.

Sunday everyone cleaned up camp and headed home.

This was a great get away.

Here are some photos of the Liberty State Overland Club “Wild Winger”:

About Ceg

Photojournalist at
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