PNW4WDA Region 4
Pick Up A Mountain
Report & photos by Clay Graham / Eastern Washington Adventures
At 8 AM on September 18th, 2010 we had the driver’s meeting at Jim Sprick Park for the Pick Up A Mountain clean-up.
Here are a some pictures of the event.
Drivers Meeting
The clean-up run.
Yakima/Kittitas Forest Watch aired down at Jim Sprick Park and drove across the road onto FS1701 to headed up the mountain.
Joining us on the run was three rigs from the Vancouver 4 Wheelers, one rig from Washington Virtual Jeep Club and hards91xj that stayed on the roads with his Toyota pickup so he would not get damage.
We stopped at the camping area at FS530 to pick it up.
We moved on up to the 4W694 trail head.
At 4W670 we drove down to FS1701 and then back up onto 4W694.
We stopped off at Funny Rocks to clean it up and let some of the Vancouver Wheelers play some during lunch.
We moved on taking 4W695 to Moon Rocks.
Moving on down the mountain.
Turning onto FS1701 we stopped to regroup.
At FS530, we turned up toward Bald Mountain. We turned down 4W675.
Down on FS1702 we regrouped before the long drive back down to Hwy410.
Back at Jim Sprick Park we found out that hards91xj some how rolled his Toyota off of a forest road.
He should have just took the trail and he would have gotten less damage.
At the park there were a lot of fun things to do.
The kids raced Jeeps.
There was a big raffle.
Corn shucking contest.
Divorce course.
Pot luck.
Some of our groups clean-up crew.
People took shelter from he rain for the raffle.
There was a dance after the raffle.
Sunday morning.
Guido looking for Rain-x. lol
The kids playing with the prizes they won the day before.
Sid won the Inspirational Award.
Pancake breakfast.
Volunteers cooking for a lot of people.
The forest is a cleaner place now.
This was a great event thanks to all who helped make it happen.