Selah Cub Scout Pack 276
Flower Basket Fundraiser
Selah Cub Scout Pack 276 is having a Fundraiser
Selah Cub Scout Pack 276 is offering these beautiful baskets for sale as a fundraiser with the proceeds going to Friends of Scouting. The basket bouquets are $35.00 each and will be delivered to Selah Sweets / Selah Community & Tourism for pick-up 6:00 PM Thursday May 5th, 2016. Just in time for Mother’s Day.
To place your order, fill out form, make checks payable to Pack 276, and drop off orders at Selah Sweets.
Orders must be in by April 28th, 2016.
(Colors cannot be pre-determined)
Thank you for your support!
For more information about Selah Cub Scout Pack 276:
Selah Sweets
makes handcrafted snacks, shaved ice, and has souvenirs.
Inside and outside seating at the shop. Off site catering.
Eastern Washington Adventures
is an Outdoor Recreation Information Center that holds many free events.