Independence Day Festival in Selah
Selah Festivals Committee has organized an Independence Day Festival in Selah at King’s Row for the 4th of July to celebrate the adoption of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776, declaring independence from Great Britain. This is also a time to thank all who have served and give honor to the ones who have given their lives defending our country.
4:00 PM Saturday July 4th 2015
Free or low cost games and activities like; Dunk Tank, Raingutter Regatta, Pie eating contest, kids art, bean bag toss, ring toss.
Selah Chamber of Commerce Apple Pie Baking Contest
The Selah Chamber of Commerce Apple Pie Baking Contest in celebration of Independence Day starts at 4 PM at King’s Row. To enter you must sign up by June 26th 2015. Late entries maybe take if there is room and if approved by contest host. Download rules/entry form here!
Wenas Mammoth
Food, crafts, charities, etc.
For more info call Clay Graham: 509 833-4472 [email protected]
Sherry Dawson, Clay Graham, Lisa Graham, Shawnee Olson, Valerie Hull