Upcoming: Relay For Life Luminary Design Day


Relay for Life

Relay for Life Luminary Design Day

Relay For Life
Luminary Design Day

When: Saturday, April 23rd, 2016
Time: 12:00 pm to 4:00 pm
Where: Viking Village

Luminary Design Day – Relay for Life

A great way to REMEMBER, HONOR & CELEBRATE your loved one.

FOOD: Hot dogs, chips & pop. Apples donated by Zirkle Fruit Company

MUSIC: by DoughBoy the DJ

All Donations Accepted.

For more information about the Luminary Design Day – Relay for Life event, please visit the official Facebook Event at: https://www.facebook.com/events/530918530410332/


Eastern Washington Adventures

Selah Sweets - Eastern Washing AdventuresSelah Sweets
makes handcrafted snacks, shaved ice, and has souvenirs.
Inside and outside seating at the shop. Off site catering.

Eastern Washington Adventures
is an Outdoor Recreation Information Center that holds many free events.

Selah SweetsEastern Washington Adventures

About Ceg

Photojournalist at CegPics.com
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