Tag Archives: volunteers

News: Selah Accepted as a Washington State Main Street Community

Selah Accepted as a Washington State Main Street Community Report by Clay Graham / Selah Adventures – Selah Community & Tourism. As of Tuesday January 6th, 2015, Selah was officially accepted as a Washington State Main Street Community. Washington State … Continue reading

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Photos: Halloween in Selah

Halloween in Selah Report and photos by Clay Graham / Selah Adventures – A division of Eastern Washington Adventures On Friday October 31st, 2014 the community of Selah, Washington went all out again for Halloween. The Selah Chamber of Commerce … Continue reading

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Upcoming: Operation Harvest this Saturday!

Operation Harvest this Saturday! Selah Cub Scout Pack 276 will be out in the City of Selah neighborhoods this week hanging food bags with flyers on doors of homes for Operation Harvest. If you did not receive a bag, you … Continue reading

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Photos: 2014 PNW4WDA Region 4 “Pick Up A Mountain“

Pick Up A Mountain Hosted by PNW4WDA Region 4. Report by Clay Graham. Photos by Clay Graham / Eastern Washington Adventures Every year on the third weekend of September, Region 4 of the Pacific Northwest 4 Wheel Drive Association holds a … Continue reading

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Photos: The Future Volunteer Park Visited By Volunteers

The Future Volunteer Park Visited By Volunteers Report & photos by Amanda Graham / Selah Adventures – A division of Eastern Washington Adventures. On Wednesday July 16th, 2014 Selah Adventures, Selah Cub Scout Pack 276, Other Scouts, The Church of … Continue reading

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