Tieton 1st Annual Lighted Parade
Join us for the Tieton 1st Annual Lighted Parade. The Tieton Lion’s Club will start things off with their Tree Lighting and Raffle at 5:00. Bring a toy or gently used coat to receive a raffle ticket. After the drawing, the parade will leave the Grange (around 5:45) and drive through town to The Tieton Square with Santa Claus. Children will then have the opportunity to visit with Santa .
Contact Tieton City Hall 509-673-3162 if you would like to enter a display in the parade.
Stop by the Friends of Highland Bazaar at the Tieton Grange from 9:30-3:00 and The Mighty Tieton Bazaar at their warehouse from 10:00-5:00.
See official link for more info https://www.facebook.com/