Photos: 4W613 Abandoned Truck Removal

4W613 Abandoned Truck Removal
Hosted by Eastern Washington Adventures
with the cooperation of the Department of Natural Resources
By Clay Graham /

Someone left their truck on 4 wheel drive trail 613 south of Strobach Mountain in the fall of 2011. The Department of Natural Resources had to go through the legal stuff to be able to move it off of the land they manage. This was a long process and by the time we were given the go ahead to move the truck, it had been vandalized by many. The first time we saw the truck in June 2012, the battery was missing. A month later someone had shot the truck up with small caliber bullets.

On August 26th, 2012 a few clubs got together to remove the abandoned truck off 4W613. These clubs were Eastern Washington Adventures, Jeeping Nomads and Yakima Ridgerunners.

We met up at Nasty Creek Corrals around 9 AM to air down and sign the DNR volunteer form. The DNR gave us a battery and some gas to see if we could get the truck started. Josh Wesselius (Yakima Ridgerunners) and Steve Haverfield AKA “Havo” (Eastern Washington Adventures) bought up four tires on 8 hole Ford wheels just in case the wheels on the truck were missing. Steve Haverfield (Eastern Washington Adventures) hauled the tires on his Toyota truck. James Ewing (Eastern Washington Adventures) brought up his K5 to tow the abandoned truck.

We had a drivers meeting and then convoyed up to the abandoned truck. Mike Nelson from the DNR rode with Ron Rutherford (Jeeping Nomads).

A long the way we regrouped at the Strobach Mountain 4×4 Trailhead and then again on Strobach Mountain. Once at the abandoned truck we found some more damage to the truck. Some bigger bullet holes were added, the carburetor was missing and someone took the tires along with the lug nuts.

A lot of volunteers went to work getting the truck ready to be hauled off the trail. The truck was sitting on the ground so it had to be jacked up which was not that easy since it was on the side of a hill. Volunteers dug holes for the tires so the truck would not have to be jacked real high. They put on the tires that Josh and Havo brought up. Josh also had some lug nuts. They used Havo’s on board air and impact gun to bolt on the rims.

As the guys worked on getting the tires on, Darin (Eastern Washington Adventures) and Kris Eims (Yakima Ridgerunners) worked on breaking the steering free. Ron Rutherford (Jeeping Nomads) got the guys with the winches lined up to pull the truck onto the trail.

Once everything was ready they which the abandoned truck onto the trail with Josh Wesselius (Yakima Ridgerunners) and Unknown (Jeeping Nomads) TJs. Darin Clack (Eastern Washington Adventures) steered the abandoned truck.

Next Josh Wesselius (Yakima Ridgerunners) used his TJ the hold back and push the abandoned truck steered by Darin Clack (Eastern Washington Adventures) down 4W613 then out the Strobach Mountain 4×4 Trail.

At the end of the Strobach Mountain 4×4 Trail the volunteers pulled off the 4 loaner wheels and left the truck on the ground for the towing company to pick up.

I would like to thank all the volunteers that gave up their Sunday to help with the abandoned truck removal.

Here are some photos and video of the day.

Ron Rutherford (Jeeping Nomads) talking about the abandoned truck removal plan.

Ahtanum State Forest

Ahtanum State Forest

Ahtanum State Forest

Heading out.

Ahtanum State Forest

Regrouping at Strobach Mountain 4×4 Trailhead.

Ahtanum State Forest

Moving up Strobach Mountain 4×4 Trail.

Ahtanum State Forest

Looking back off of the rock climb.

Ahtanum State Forest

Ahtanum State Forest

Looking at the long ridge ahead to follow.
Ahtanum State Forest

Looking back toward Yakima over Pine Mountain. There were a lot of Hawks flying around.
Ahtanum State Forest

Ahtanum State Forest

Regrouping near Strobach Mountain Vista.
Ahtanum State Forest

Ahtanum State Forest

Ahtanum State Forest

Ahtanum State Forest

Here is the abandoned truck with more damage and missing parts.
Ahtanum State Forest

Lucky we brought up some tires.
Ahtanum State Forest

Ahtanum State Forest

The rest of the group coming up.
Ahtanum State Forest

Let the work begin!
Ahtanum State Forest

Ahtanum State Forest

Darin working on the steering lock.
Ahtanum State Forest

Ahtanum State Forest

Working on getting the tires on.
Ahtanum State Forest

Ahtanum State Forest

Havo supplying air and tools.
Ahtanum State Forest

Ahtanum State Forest

Ahtanum State Forest

Ahtanum State Forest

Ahtanum State Forest

Ahtanum State Forest

Ahtanum State Forest

Ahtanum State Forest

Ahtanum State Forest

Working out the winching details.
Ahtanum State Forest

Ahtanum State Forest

Ahtanum State Forest

Ahtanum State Forest

Straightening the bent dust cover.
Ahtanum State Forest

Ahtanum State Forest

Ready to be winched out.
Ahtanum State Forest

Ahtanum State Forest

Ahtanum State Forest

Ahtanum State Forest

Resetting the winch points.
Ahtanum State Forest

Ahtanum State Forest

Ahtanum State Forest

Ahtanum State Forest

Ahtanum State Forest

Ahtanum State Forest

Ahtanum State Forest

Ahtanum State Forest

The abandoned truck in on the trail. Ron calls lunch.
Ahtanum State Forest

After lunch we started down the trail with Josh holding the truck from rolling to fast.
Ahtanum State Forest

Yes, some brakes!
Ahtanum State Forest

Ahtanum State Forest

Ahtanum State Forest

The volunteers happy to see the abandoned truck going away.
Ahtanum State Forest

Heading out I was a few rigs a back.
Ahtanum State Forest

Ahtanum State Forest

I walked up to see what the holdup was. It was just a tight spot for the K5.
Ahtanum State Forest

Moving again being push by Josh.
Ahtanum State Forest

Ahtanum State Forest

Ahtanum State Forest

Ahtanum State Forest

Ahtanum State Forest

I got around some rigs before turning onto the Strobach Mountain Trail so I could get some photos of the truck removal.
Ahtanum State Forest

Ahtanum State Forest

Ahtanum State Forest

Ahtanum State Forest

Ahtanum State Forest

Pushing a dead F250 up hill with a TJ has it’s challenges.
Ahtanum State Forest

Ahtanum State Forest

Ahtanum State Forest

Ahtanum State Forest

Ahtanum State Forest

Ahtanum State Forest

Ahtanum State Forest

Ahtanum State Forest

Ahtanum State Forest

Ahtanum State Forest

Ahtanum State Forest

Ahtanum State Forest

Ahtanum State Forest

Ahtanum State Forest

Ahtanum State Forest

Ahtanum State Forest

Ahtanum State Forest

Ahtanum State Forest

Ahtanum State Forest

Ahtanum State Forest

Ahtanum State Forest

Ahtanum State Forest

Ahtanum State Forest

We stop by the Hogback to regroup.
Ahtanum State Forest

Ahtanum State Forest

Ahtanum State Forest

Here come the others.
Ahtanum State Forest

Ahtanum State Forest

Moving on.
Ahtanum State Forest

Ahtanum State Forest

Ahtanum State Forest

Down at the Strobach Mountain 4×4 Trailhead removing the loaner tires.
Ahtanum State Forest

Ahtanum State Forest

Ahtanum State Forest

Ahtanum State Forest

Ahtanum State Forest

A chat about the abandoned truck removal. Darin had a ride he will never forget.
Ahtanum State Forest

Ahtanum State Forest

Ahtanum State Forest

This was a great day and for a good cause.

We parted ways at the Strobach Mountain Trailhead. Some of us decided to do a run to Jumpoff Lookout.

About Ceg

Photojournalist at
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